Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facebook hacking

I'm home sick today (who gets sick in July?!...then again, who teaches in July?!  Why, this cat!).  The students are completing a problem-analysis assignment using Facebook to post ideas on a group page (they're going to be on Facebook anyway, so why not utilize it as a venue for learning?).

After an extended nap, I logged in and discovered this note posted on my FB profile:

Ms. Miller,
You should really log out of facebook at school before you turn your computer off. Otherwise, your students, being the delinquents they are, might get on and post something totally innapropriate.

Jace and Levi :)

Sorry Jace and Levi--delinquents neither spell words like "delinquents" correctly nor use words like "inappropriate" (albeit spelled incorrectly) at all, nor do they pass up the opportunity to be logged into their teacher's Facebook page and ONLY post this to her profile.

I guess you two remain the smart scholars I keep trying to tell you that you are, after all...

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